E-Book Publishing Headlines
Trident Media Group Chairman Robert Gottlieb on Re-Engineering The Role of Literary Agents
… “At Trident, for instance, we take traditional commissions for all the services we [offer], we don’t hold rights as a publisher would hold rights, and we also assist an author in their own self publishing in their contracts with retailers and also in assisting them with their marketing of their backlist or front list titles if they wish to do that with their original ebooks,” he said.
Amazon’s Kindle Store Could Be a Goldmine For New Authors
“… Author Earnings notes that the data are also good news for self-published authors, who are gaining ground in both fiction and nonfiction sub-genres: “As it has proven to be in other fields of entertainment, the indie movement in literature is not a blip and not a gold rush. It appears to be here to stay.”.
Are Real Book Publishers Dinosaurs or Just Endangered
“For decades the managers of traditional book publishing houses have fought against technology. In the last two weeks some a couple of decisions has been made that may indicate that resistance has weakened greatly. This would be great news for book lovers and for writers…”
How the E-Book Is Reinventing the Book Business
“… The book business is going through a major transformation. Who will the winners and losers be among publishers, stores and authors? Just as the iPod changed the music industry a decade ago, e-books are changing the publishing world right now. The rule book is being rewritten, and lessons in success and failure are coming from new and unexpected places.”.
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