James Wesley, Rawles
James Wesley, Rawles is a survivalist author and lecturer. He is the founder of Liberty Paradigm Publishing. He is also the founder and senior editor of SurvivalBlog.com. He is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and now work as a full-time blogger
Jonathan Rawles
Jonathan Rawles is the co-founder of SurvivalRealty.com and Survival Realty Brokerage Services. Having grown up in the rural West, Jonathan earned a BS in mechanical engineering at Montana State University. He has over thirteen years’ experience in working with buyers
Rynier Kruger
Born in Southern Rhodesia before its Unilateral Declaration of Independence in 1965, Rynier Kruger served in the Rhodesian Army and experienced the anguish of being forced out of his homeland and the expropriation of his family farm. While living in